There are a number of steps you need to go through in order to launch your website, including building your website, uploading it to a server and ensuring that it can be “indexed” (found) by the search engines. You can approach launching your website on a spectrum from a bare-bones approach to the most thorough […]
Additional Features for Your Website
I think it’s natural to want all sorts of bells and whistles for your website. When we’re online we see all sorts of neat widgets and tools on other websites and think how great our own website would be if we just had that extra touch, if we just had that custom program that lets […]
Getting a Programmer for Your Site
You may or may not need to hire a developer for your website. Just like with your site design, who you hire (and whether or not you hire anyone) depends a great deal on the type of site you are building. So let’s breakdown if and when you need to hire a developer/programmer/coder (they are […]
Who Should Design Your Website?
Unless you are using an out-of-the-box website creator, or a CMS template you find is perfect for your needs, you likely need a web designer. But there are a few things you need to consider. Who Should Design Your Website? The first thing to think about is, what type of site are you building? The […]
Who Should Build Your Website
Once you have decided what type of website you should have (choose a CMS like wordpress!), you need to decide who is going to build it. If you are using an out-of-the-box website builder, you may need no help, especially if you yourself have an eye for design. (If you do not have an eye for […]
Purchasing Hosting
Buying your domain is not the only thing you must do in order to get a website up. Many people are confused between purchasing a domain – the name of your site – and purchasing the server space to host your site, known as hosting. There is basically one rule for purchasing hosting: Purchase Your […]
Buying a Domain
How to Buy a Domain What is a Domain? Before you put your site online, you need to purchase a domain. A domain is the url for your website. The domain of this site is and I own it (though “rent” is probably a better word for my relationship to the domain name). It’s […]
What Type of Website Do I Need?
So, you’re putting your business online, by building a website. But you’re not sure where to start. There are different types of websites and there is too much information online about the different types. What do you do? All websites are not created equal. This post will explain what type of website you should have, […]
Do I Need a Website?
If you haven’t already, please read “When Word of Mouth is No Longer Enough,” where I discuss why you might want to have a business online. Everyone tells you that your business needs a website, don’t they? And the truth is, they’re probably right. Am I Getting Enough Business? The first question you should ask […]